併合 | consolidation (of trials) |
〜発明 | consolidated inventions |
並行輸入 | parallel import |
米国特許出願 | U. S. patent application(参) |
(明細書の配列)は以下の通り | arrangement of application |
(発明の名称) | a. title of the invention |
(関連出願の相互参照) | b. cross-references to related applications |
(発明の背景) | c. background of the invention |
(発明の分野) | 1. field of the invention |
(先行技術の記載) | 2. description of related art |
(発明の要旨) | d. summary of the invention |
(図面の簡単な説明) | e. brief description of the drawings |
(発明の詳細な説明) | f. detailed description of the invention |
(クレーム) | g. claim(s) |
(開示内容の要約) | h. abstract of the disclosure |
米国特許商標庁 | USPTO (United States Patent and Trademark Office) cf. JPO(日本特許庁)、EPO(ヨーロッパ特許庁) |
閉鎖原簿 | closed register [ledger] |
平面図 | plan view |
ヘーグ協定 | Hague Agreement (Concerning the International Deposit of Industrial Designs) |
ペーパーレス計画 | Paperless Project |
別段の定め | specific provisions (relating to) |
〜なきとき | unless otherwise provided for |
ベルヌ条約 | Berne Convention (for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works) |
変更 | conversion (of application), modification (of claims), change [alteration] (of gist) |
〜する | to convert (a u.m. application into a patent application) |
〜出願 | converted application |
弁護士 | attorney at law, lawyer, counsel |
弁駁書 | rebuttal, refutation (ex.) to file a rebuttal to the patentee's reply |
弁理士 | (registered) patent attorney |
〜会 | Patent Attorneys' Association (of Japan) |
〜法 | Patent Attorney Law |