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知的財産関連法令・英訳 -IP related laws in Japan and their English translations -


As a patent translation and search company, Patro Information has launched an in-house project to translate IP-related Laws in Japan, because most of them have yet to be officially translated. We hope that our translations can be of assistance to people working in the IP field. New translations of Japanese IP Laws will be added when a translation is completed.

知的財産関連法律・審査基準等 −IP related Acts, Examination Guideliens, etc. in Japan−

…外部リンク(External link)
Some of the documents listed below have corresponding translations which can be accessed by clicking on the external links provided below.

特許法 Patent Law
特許法施行法 Patent Law Enforcement Law
特許法施行令 Order for Enforcement of the Patent Law
特許法施行規則 Enforcement Regulations of the Patent Law
特許登録令 Patent Registration Order
特許登録令施行規則 Regulations under the Patent Registration Order
特許・実用新案審査基準 Examination Guidelines for Patent and Utility Model in Japan
特許・実用新案審査ハンドブック Examination Handbook for Patent and Utility Model in Japan
実用新案法 Utility Model Law
実用新案法施行法 Utility Model Law Enforcement Law
実用新案法施行令 Utility Model Law Enforcement Order
実用新案法施行規則 Enforcement Regulations of the Utility Model Law
実用新案登録令 Utility Model Registration Order
実用新案登録令施行規則 Utility Model Registration Order Enforcement Regulations
特許・実用新案審査基準 Examination Guidelines for Patent and Utility Model in Japan
特許・実用新案審査ハンドブック Examination Handbook for Patent and Utility Model in Japan
意匠法 Design Law
意匠法施行法 Design Law Enforcement Law
意匠法施行令 Order for Enforcement of the Design Law
意匠法施行規則 Enforcement Regulations of the Design Law
意匠登録令 Design Registration Order
意匠登録令施行規則 Design Registration Order Enforcement Regulations
意匠審査基準 Examination Guidelines for Design
意匠審査便覧 Examination Manual for Design
商標法 Trademarks Law
商法施行法 Trademarks Law Enforcement Law
商標法施行令 Order for Enforcement of the Trademarks Law
商標法施行規則 Enforcement Regulations of the Trademarks
商標登録令 Trademarks Registration Order
商標登録令施行規則 Regulations under the Trademarks Registration Order
商標審査基準 Examination Guidelines for Trademarks
商標審査便覧 Examination Manual for Trademarks
出願の手続 Application Procedure
方式審査便覧 Formality Examination Manual
審判便覧 Manual of Appeal and Trial Proceedings
回路配置利用権等の登録に関する政令 Cabinet Order Relating to Registration of Layout-Design Exploitation Right
種苗法施行令 Enforcement Order of the Plant Variety Protection and Seed Act
種苗法施行規則 Enforcement Regulations of the Plant Variety Protection and Seed Act

(外部サイト名 - External Link sites -)
総務省行政管理局 法令データ提供システム -Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications -
特許庁 -Japan Patent Office -
法務省 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム- Ministry of Justice -



Patro Information retains copyright to all of the translations at this site. However, you may freely use, cite, or copy the translations. Note that, the translations are for reference only. We assume no responsibility whatsoever for any damages resulting from the use of the translations.

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