未完成発明 | not (yet) completed invention |
実施例の裏付がない部分では未完成とみなされる deemed to be incomplete in the area not supported by working examples |
出願の時点で実施可能でないか未完成である the invention was not operative or was incomplete at the time the application was filed |
未請求 | (a substantive examination) not requested |
未成年者 | minor, juvenile |
みなす | deem, recognize |
もとの出願は取り下げたものとみなす The original application shall be deemed(to have been) withdrawn |
クレーム1記載の発明は引例記載の発明と同一とみなす The invention in claim 1 is deemed same as the one described in the reference |
請求は無効とみなされる | the demand is recognized invalid |
この条約に違反しないものとみなす | shall not be deemed to be an infringement or breach of this Convention |
侵害とみなされる行為 | act deemed to be an infringement |
補正は要件をみたすものでないとみなされる this amendment is not recognized to satisfy the requirements |
見本 | sample, specimen |
民事の、民法上の | civil |
民事訴訟 | civil action, civil litigation, civil procedure |
民事事件 | civil case |
民事判例集 | Collection of Court Decisions of Civil Actions →民事訴訟法 |
民事訴訟法 | Code of Civil Procedure |
民事訴訟手続 | civil proceedings →民事の |
民法 | Civil Code →民事の |