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防衛出願 defensive application:他人の権利成立阻止を目的とした出願。公開されることにより公知文献となり目的を達する cf. Statutory Invention Registration System (米国の法定発明登録制度:特許権の付与を求めず発明を特許公報に似た形態で公表するための制度)
a defensive patent covers a modification or improvement of a basic invention
法学 jurisprudence
法学の juristic (法律上の)
法学者 jurist
包括的な generic, general
包括的な実施権 blanket license
包括的移転 [譲渡] bulk transfer
包括委任状 general power of attorney
包括 [総括]クレーム generic claim =genus claim(属クレーム):特に米国特許において複数の実施例を包含する広いクレーム。すべての種発明(species)に共通する技術思想を表すクレーム →属クレーム

放棄 waiver (of a patent right), abandonment (of a patent application), renunciation
放棄する to waive, to abandon, to relinquish(a right 権利を放棄する), to renounce, to give up (a right)
express abandonment
放棄書 notice of abandonment, written notice of intention to abandon
放棄書を提出 to submit a notice of abandonment, to file an express abandonment [written abandonment]
出願の放棄 abandonment of an application
料金不払いによる放棄 abandonment for failure to pay the fees
年金不払いにより放棄 abandoned by not paying the annuity
放棄条項 waiver clause
abandonment by failure to reply to an Office Action within the term set for action
An express abandonment was filed and the case is not in force
防護標章 defensive mark
防護商標登録出願 application for defensive mark registration
方式 formalities
方式的な、形式的な formal
方式補正 formality amendment, amendment of formalities
方式審査 formality examination, formality check, examination as to formality
方式審査官 formality examiner
方式的要件 formal requirements
checked to make sure that it meets all formal requirements; examined for formal requirements
方式審査便覧 Formality Examination Manual
方式事項 formal matters, matters of form
方式上の問題がなければ assuming no formality or format problems arise
方式事項を除く実質的な経過 The substantial history excluding formality matters of the present application
法に定められた方式で with the formalities prescribed by law
訴訟方式 forms of action
方式に関する要件 requirement as to form
方式的不備 formal insufficiencies
法人 legal entity, juristic person
法人でない社団または財団 association or a foundation which is not a legal entity
特殊法人 special legal entity
法人弁護士 corporation counsel
法人格 judicial personality, 例 any organization without judicial personality(法人格をもたない団体)
法人税法 Corporation Tax Law
法人証明書 certificate of incorporation, corporation certificate
法曹 lawyer (法律家)
米国法曹協会 American Bar Association
法曹界 the bars
file wrapper (of Application No.〜), jacket
包袋閲覧 to inspect a file wrapper
包袋中の書類のコピーを得る To obtain copies of the documents in a file wrapper of an application
包袋をオンライン閲覧する to conduct an on-line inspection of the file wrapper
包袋閲覧は通常2〜3週間でできる An inspection of the file wrapper is normally allowed in about two or three weeks
A file wrapper is destroyed some time after a rejection becomes conclusive
A file wrapper of a Japanese u.m. application has no information on foreign counterparts
法廷 bar, law court
法廷で in a law court, in a court of law
法廷闘争 court battle, legal battle
法廷侮辱 contempt of court
法廷用語 language of the courts, judicial terminology
法定の statutory, prescribed by law, legally prescribed
法定期間 legal term (prescribed by law), statutory period (of time)
法定期間内に within the stipulated period
法定住所 legal residence (=domicile)
法定代理人 legal representative
法定相続人 legal heir [successor, inheritor]
法定実施権 statutory non-exclusive license
法定の拒絶理由 statutory grounds for rejection
法定の休日 legal holiday, official holiday
法定発明登録制度 (米) statutory invention registration system:特許権の付与を求めず発明を特許公報に似た形態で公表するための制度
法的 legal
法的概念 legal notion
法的格言 legal maxim
法的鑑定 legal judgement
法的基準 legal measure
法的規制 legal regulation
法的義務 legal duty
法的行為をなす perform juristic acts
法的に拘束する legally binding
法的効力 legal effect
法的根拠 legal ground
法的資格のある qualified in law
法的手段をとる to take a legal action
出願の法的状況 legal status of an application
法的証明 legal proof
法的人格 legal entity, juristic person (法律上の人):自然人(natural person)と法人(artificial personまたはcorporation)を含む
法的推定 legal presumption
法的手続 legal proceedings
法的年令 legal age(成人年令)
法的に灰色の領域 is in a gray area of legality
法的無能力 legal incapacity
法的に有効な legally valid
法典(一国の法規を一定の範囲内で体系化したもの)code, legal code
民法(典) civil code
刑法(典) criminal [penal] code
民事訴訟法(典) Code of Civil Procedure
冒頭陳述 opening statement:公判、例えば米国の特許侵害訴訟などの当事者系審判における事実審理(公判)の開始にあたり、当事者双方の弁護士がそれぞれの主張の裏付となる事実、立証方法、法の適用に関する意見を陪審員などに説明すること →陳述
冒認 usurpation
冒認発明 surped invention
冒認出願 usurped application:他人の発明を盗んで行った出願(日本特許法39条6、49条6、35USC102fなどにより拒絶)
方法 method, process
方法の発明 invention of process, method [process] invention
方法クレーム process claim
A process claim covers only the product made by that particular process, so it is advisable to file a product claim too
法務 legal affairs, legal service
東京法務局 Tokyo Legal Affairs Bureau
法務部 legal department →法律
法律 law, laws, statute, rule
法律行為 juristic act
法律事務所 law firm
法原則 law principle
特許法律事務所 patent & law firm(s)
法律実務 law practice
法秩序 legal order
法律の適用 application of a law
法律の適用範囲 extent of the applicability of the law
法務、法律業務 legal service
法律用語 law term, legal expression, juridical term, legal terminology
準拠法、適用法 governing [applicable] law
法規範 rule of law
法律文書(証書、契約書など) (written) instrument
法律雑誌 bar journal
法律を守る善良な市民 law-abiding citizens
法律により by law
法律問題 legal question
法律の本文 text [wording] of the law
法律規定 legal provision
~に関する法律、〜法 Law Concerning ~ →法律事務所
法律事務所 law firm, law office:典型的な米国法律事務所の構成は次の通り: i. partner(共同経営者、弁護士)、senior partner(持ち株比率が高い)、junior partner(持ち株比率が低い)、ii. associate(非経営者、弁護士)、iii. law clerk(法律事務員、ロースクール在学生)、iv. paralegal(弁護士補佐)、v. legal secretary(弁護士秘書)、vi. office manager(事務管理者)、vii. file clerk(事務員)、viii. accountant(経理) (出典:「日米特許紛争スーパーマニュアル」、発明協会) →法律
法令 ordinance, laws and ordinances
商標登録法令 trademark registration ordinance
法令で定めた statutory
法令で定めた拒絶事由 statutory grounds for rejection →法定の
ホールコンテントアプローチ whole content approach:欧州特許出願における先行技術判断範囲:当該欧州出願の優先日前に出願され、優先日後に公開された他の欧州出願は先行技術となり、その際、先行技術のクレームのみでなく、明細書全体の記載が先行技術となる(EPC54。日本特許法29条の2に相当)
傍論、付随的意見 dictum, obiter dictum(判決文中で、当該事件を解決するには必要のない判断、意見。先例としての拘束力をもたない)
外(ほか) apart from, not included in, unless, other than
前項の外 apart from the case contemplated in the foregoing paragraph, not included in the proceeding paragraph
○○ほか3名 ○○ and 3 others
補完 complement, correction
補完する to remedy
瑕疵を補完する to remedy the defect
その出願には証明書を補完しなければならない the application must be supplemented by a certificate
保護 protection
保護期間 term for protection
保護対象 subject of protection
保護範囲 scope of protection
完全な法的保護 full legal protection
補佐人 legal assistant
補充の supplementary
補充審査 supplementary examination
保証 guarantee, assurance
品質保証機能 function to guarantee the quality of goods
保証書 written assurance, warranty, guaranty
保証金 security (money), deposit, guarantee money
品質を保証する to guarantee the quality (of an article)
保証人 guarantor
補償 compensation, indemnification, indemnity
補償する to make compensation for
損失を補償する to indemnify a loss
損害補償 indemnification for damage, compensation for damage
損害[傷害]補償 injury compensation
特許侵害補償保険 patent infringement liability insurance
The licensor shall indemnify and hold the licensee harmless from and against all suits, claims, liabilities, losses, expenses and damages arising from such patent infringement
妥当な補償 reasonable compensation →補償金、→賠償、→損害
補償金 compensation
補償金請求権 right to demand (payment of ) compensation
補償金を請求する to demand compensation
補償金請求権を行使する to exercise the right to demand compensation
To claim the compensation, the applicant must send a warning letter to
to the effect that compensation will be claimed after a patent right is established →補償
補正 amendment
補正する to amend, to make an amendment (to)
自発補正 voluntary amendment
補正が許される範囲 allowable extent[scope] of amendment
補正案 draft amendment, amendment proposal
全文補正 amendment of the entire specification, amendment of the full text
補正書 amendment, written revision
補正命令 order for amendment
補正指令 invitation for amendment
補正対象 object for amendment
補正の内容 contents of amendment
補正をする機会 opportunity for amendment
自発補正 voluntary amendment
(参)米国では出願段階の補正はamendmentの語を使用し、特許後の訂正はcorrectionを使用する。日本(の翻訳文)でも同様 →補正却下、→訂正
補正却下 dismissal of an amendment
補正の却下の決定 decision to dismiss an amendment, decision for dismissal of an amendment
to turn back an amendment on the ground that it includes matter beyond the scope of the application as originally filed
補正を下記の理由により却下 the amendment is ruled to be dismissed for the reasons given below
補正却下の決定に対する審判 appeal trial against the ruling to dismiss an amendment
The dismissal of amendment may be contested in the trial against the final rejection of the application →補正、→要旨変更
保存 preservation, maintenance
本意匠 principal design; cf. similar design(類似意匠)、related design(関連意匠)
本願 present application, application concerned, subject application
本願発明 the present invention, the invention of the application, the instant invention, the invention of the instant application
本国 country of origin
本国出願(PCT出願などが指定国に移行した場合、指定国からみた第一国出願)home country application
本質 heart, essence
事件の本質に入る to go to the heart of the matter
本質的な essential
本質的な特徴 essential feature/非本質的事項 non-essential matter
本人 the person himself (herself), the said person
本人自ら in person, personally
(代理人などに対して) the principal, 例:代理人と本人との関係 relation between an agent and his principal
subject to the written approval and acceptance by principal
本文(柱書き) body
29条1項本文 the body of Article 29, paragraph 1 →条
翻訳(文) translation
正確な翻訳 accurate translation, faithful rendering
認証付き訳文 attested [verified] translation
翻訳が正確である旨の記載 statement that the translation is accurate
翻訳不備 improper [defective] translation
宣誓翻訳 sworn translation
翻訳が必要なら If you want us to prepare a translation
文字どおりの翻訳 literal translation(直訳、逐語訳)
翻訳からその語を抜かす to omit the word from the translation
Unless the patent knowledge, no proper translation can be made even if the translator has a good command of English and even if he is familiar with the technology discussed in the document
I hereby certify that I am the translator of the attached documents and that the following is a true translation to the best of my knowledge and belief →誤訳、→直訳
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