相手方 | the other party, opponent (party), adverse party, opposite party |
相手方証人 | adverse witness (敵性証人) |
あらかじめ相手方に対し〜する機会を与えなければならない must give his opponent, in advance, an opportunity to the other party |
明らか | to be clearly defined, clear, obvious, evident, unquestionably apparent |
明らかに | distinctly, clear, apparently, evidently |
明らかでない | to be uncertain, unclea |
明らかにする | to explain, specifically set forth, clarify |
明らかな事実 | evident facts |
審査官に指摘された不明瞭な点を明らかにする to make clear the indistinct points pointed out by the Examiner |
悪意 | bad faith, wrongful intent, mala fides (cf. bona fides善意), malicious intention, ill intent |
悪意又は重大な過失でなければ unless there has been bad faith or gross negligence on his part |
悪意をもって | with malicious intent, maliciously |
アジア弁理士会 | Asian Patent Attorneys Association |
斡旋 | mediation |
斡旋申請書 | a written request for mediation |
宛名 | address |
氏名または宛名の変更 | change in name or address |
宛名が違う | to be wrongly addressed |
あてはまる | apply |
請求項3に関わる発明についても同様 The same applies to the invention claimed in claim 3 |
後の | later, subsequent |
以後の一切の訴訟において in any subsequent litigation | |
後の出願 | later application, subsequent application, subsequent filing; cf. earlier application |
後知恵 | hindsight(結果論) |
不当な結果論 | improper hindsight |
アドバイス通知 | (米)advisory action(勧告通知書):最終拒絶に対する出願人の応答に関する審査官の通知書 |
アフリカ | Africa |
アフリカ知的所有権機構 | OAPI (African Intellectual Property Organization。原文はフランス語) |
アフリカ地域工業所有権機関 | ARIPO (African Regional Industrial Property Organization) |
案 | proposal (提案), idea (考え), plan (計画) |
補正案 | amendment proposal, proposed amendment |
図面の補正案 | proposed drawing correction |
案分に | pro rate |
費用の案分負担 | a pro rate share of the expenses |