HOME > The flow of patent search

Patent search workflow

  1. Step 1 [customer] inquiry about a patent searchお電話でのお問い合わせ 03-5470-1930メールでのお問い合わせはこちら
  2. Step 2 [Customer/Patro Information] hearing /consultation
  3. Step 3 [Patro Information] provides a quote
  4. Step 4 [Customer] places an order
  5. Step 5 [Patro information] carries out the patent search
    Search procedures
    ◆Search planA search strategy is determined based on the search objective and technical backgrounds. We select suitable databases for a manual search and/or a database search, and then select suitable classifications and keywords to determine search queries. ◆SearchA search is carried out to collect relevant documents using optimal queries revised several times. ◆ReviewNon-critical documents are removed by a primary screening, and the remaining documents are reviewed to collect relevant documents by a secondary screening.
    An interim report may be made, if necessary.
  6. STEP6
Patent search, translation, analysis. If you are looking for a partnership you can trust leave it to Patro Information.
For quotations, consultations and inquiries
Tel: 03-5470-1930 opening times (weekedays 9:15-17:15) enquiries by email are accepted at any time.
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PATRO INFORMATION offers a wide range of expert patent-related services.