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早期公開制度 early disclosure system:審査の如何を問わず、優先日から通常18ヶ月経過後出願内容を公開する制度。主要国、EPCで採用。米国も2000年11月29日以降の出願より採用(意匠特許出願は対象外)
自動公開 automatic public disclosure (after 18 months)
出願公開する to disclose the application to the public
早期審査 accelerated examination
早期審理 accelerated trial examination
相互性 reciprocity
相互主義 reciprocity principle, principle of reciprocity
相互主義条項 reciprocity clause
相互主義を保証する guarantee reciprocity
創作 creation
創作する to create (a technical idea
創作者 creator
創作者(意匠の) designer, creator
創作性 creativity
意匠創作者 creator of a design
recognized to be such as could easily be created from the technique described in the citation
相乗的な synergistic
相乗効果 synergistic effect, synergistic result
相乗作用 synergism
patentable if a synergistic effect results from the combination
相続 inheritance, succession
相続分 share in the succession
相続その他の一般承継 inheritance or other general succession
発明者叉は相続によるその承継人 inventor or his successor by inheritance
相続財産 heritage, inheritance
相続税 inheritance tax →承継, →相続人
相続人 successor, heir, inheritor
権利相続人 successor in title
特許権者の権利の相続人 successor in title to[of] the patentee
当事者の一方またはその権利[利益]相続人 one party or his successor in interest
法定相続人 heir-at-law →相続
送達 transmittal, service, communication
送達する to transmit (a document to a person), to serve (a document with a person)
訴状の送達 service of a complaint
送達方式 delivery system
決定送達後30日以内に within 30 days from the date the decision is served
拒絶査定送達日から from the date of service of the final rejection

personal service [直接送達:米国において裁判所執行官が直接被告自身に訴状を手渡す方法。これに対し、郵便送達、補充送達、公示送達など、直接送達以外の方法をconstructive service(みなし送達)という]

争点 disputed point, point at issue, issue
が争点になっている is put in issue
法律上の争点(法律の適用に関する争点) issue in law
事実上の争点(事実の真偽に関する争点) issue in fact
送付 transmittal, to send、to transmit, to address, to forward
送付手段 means of transmittal
送付手数料 transmittal fee
送付先 address for service
双方 both parties(両当事者), bilateral(双務的な)
双方過失 bilateral mistake
双務的な bilateral
bilateral contract; cf. unilateral contract(片務契約)
遡及日 retroactive [retrospective] date
出願日の遡及効果 retroactive effects in respect of the filing date
the filing date of a divisional application is retrospective to that of a parent application
属クレーム (米) genus claim, generic claim:複数の実施例を包含する広いクレーム。すべての種発明(species)に共通する技術思想を表す包括[総括]クレーム; cf. species claim(種クレーム)
側面 side
側面図 side elevation, side view
一部を断面で示した側面図 side elevational view partially in cross section
訴訟 suit, litigation, action, lawsuit(口語的、一般的な表現)
訴訟手続 litigation proceedings
訴訟を一時中止する to suspend the suit
訴訟を提起する to institute [file] a suit, to sue, to bring an action (to the Tokyo High Court)
(〜を相手取り)訴訟を起こす to take legal proceedings against ~
訴訟を却下 to dismiss an action
審決取消訴訟 suit to cancel a trial decision
訴訟記録 record of proceedings
訴訟原因 cause of action
特許訴訟 patent litigation [suit]
訴訟中の特許 parties to the proceeding, parties to a suit
侵害訴訟 litigation of infringement
訴訟費用 litigation cost
民事訴訟 civil action
刑事訴訟 criminal action
訴訟方式 forms of action
損害賠償訴訟 action for damages
侵害訴訟 action for infringement
訴訟要点 point of action
訴訟対象物 subject matter, subject matter in case [suit]
訴訟に代わる紛争解決手段 ADR: Alternative Dispute Resolutionの略。例えば仲裁(arbitration)、調停(mediation)
訴訟当事者の和議 settlement between parties in a lawsuit, compromise in court
訴訟代理人 procedural attorney [representative], process-attorney
訴状 complaint
訴答手続 (米)pleadings:訴訟の初期段階(訴状提出から証拠開示手続前)に、訴訟当事者が主張を述べた書面を取り交わす手続(訴状提出、訴状の送達、答弁書提出、反訴、弁ぱく書提出など)。 pleading(単数)は訴答
to offer presumptive proof, to make credible, to show a probable ground, to give a prima facie evidence
損害 damage, damages(複数形は一般に損害賠償), detriment
損害の責任 liability for damage
損害額 amount of the damage
に損害なしに、害することなく without detriment to
間接的または派生的な損害 indirect or consequential damage
損害賠償 compensation [indemnification] for damage
損害賠償をする to indemnify (damages), to indemnify a person for damages, to pay damages
損害賠償を請求する to claim damages
損害賠償請求権 right to demand the compensation for damage, right to damages
現実損害 actual damage
損害賠償訴訟 action for damages →賠償
損失 →損害
損失を補償する to indemnify a loss
存続期間 term (of a patent right), duration, period of duration, patent term
存続期間の延長 prolongation [extension] of the patent term
存続期間の延長登録 registration of the extension of the patent term
特許存続期間の開始 commencement of the duration of the patent
出願から20年の有効期間 a term of validity of 20 years from the filing date →延長
(参)日、米国、欧州特許共に原則として出願から20年を限度 (米国は1995.6.8以降の出願の特許権。期間延長制度あり)
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